Luscious Skin Peels

How do skin peels work?

Exfoliation is the process of removing dead surface cells from the outermost layer of the skin- the epidermis. Skin peeling is an accelerated form of exfoliation that is induced by the use of naturally occurring agents.

  • LCA Multilayer Peel

    This professional skin peel is a powerful combination of lactic, glycolic, citric and salicylic acids to exfoliate and renew your skin. This improves skin texture, cell turnover, hydrates and volumises your skin. Recommended weekly for 6 weeks, followed by monthly maintenance.

    $110 each - or $440 for a course of 6 peels

  • SuperPeel

    A PH balanced, antioxidant rich lactic and salicylic acid peel. This is our biggest hitting, results driven skin peel- giving serious volume, hydration, renewal and luminosity by boosting collagen production.

    $150 each - or $600 for a course of 6 peels

  • 30% Lactic Peel

    This is the perfect “lunch time peel”- you can pop out at lunch for a quick peel and no-one will know. Your skin will look clearer, softer, smoother and brighter. It assists with hydration to create a more plump and radiant complexion immediately. A course of 6 peels fortnightly is recommended- giving real visible results in just 90 days.

    $100 each - or $400 for a course of 6 peels

  • Mandelic Peel

    This is also a “lunch time peel”, and is particularily beneficial for skins suffering from breakouts, acne, and excessive oil and pore size. It is also used to combat the blotchiness of hyperpigmentation and minimises melasma, fine lines and wrinkles.

    $120 each - or a course of 6 peels for $480

  • A-Zyme Peel

    This peel utilises retinol combined with bromelain (an enzyme from pineapple). This is the powerhouse of all anti-ageing treatments. It is a fast acting, non-invasive skin rejuvenation peel which combats the effects of ageing, UV damage, and it improves the appearance of fine lines, skin tone and texture. We microdermabrade the skin first, then massage in this cocktail of potent ingredients, and finish with a luxurious facial massage to restore your skin.

    $190 each - or a course of 6 fortnightly peels for $760

  • Skin Brightning Peel

    This works to rapidly exfoliate surface congestion, while diminishing the appearance of dark spots, hyperpigmentation and blotchiness to reveal a brighter and clearer complexion. It targets pigmentation and age spots.

    $140 each - or a course of 6 fortnightly peels for $560